Guide for Authors

Instructions for Authors

Manuscripts should be typeset in English with double spacing by using AMS-LaTex. The authors should use the KJM style file that has been developed for LaTeX2e standard and can be found at KJM_style_file_Latex.tex (see also  KJM_style_file_Latex.pdf ).

We strongly recommend the authors to submit papers to KJM after preparing them in the style of the journal.

The KJM is an author-prepared journal which means that authors are responsible for the proper formatting of accepted manuscripts by using the style file of the KJM. The authors should carefully take care of the following items in their manuscripts:

  • Abstract: 200 words or less with no reference number therein.
  • MSC2010: Primary: only 1 item; Secondary: at most 4 items.
  • Key words: At least 3 items and at most 5 items.
  • Authors: Full names, mailing addresses and emails of all authors. Only one of authors should be the corresponding author.
  • Typset: Each Theorem, Proposition, Corollary, Lemma, Definition, Example, etc should be typeset in its respective environment such as  begin{theorem}...end{theorem}.
  • Margins: A long formula should be broken into two or more lines. Empty spaces in the text should be removed.
  • Tags (formula numbers): Equations in the text should be labeled by label{A}. References to them should be typeset by using eqref{A}. Unused tags should be removed. Manual numbering of equations or sections should be avoided.
  • Acknowledgement: If there is any, at the end of paper but preceding to the references.
  • References: Use cite{B} to refer to an specific book/paper B in the text. Remove unused references. References should be listed in the alphabetical order according to the surnames of the first author at the end of the paper and should be cited in the text as, e.g., [2] or [3, Theorem 4.2], etc.
  • Abbreviations: Abbreviations of titles of periodicals/books should be given by using Math. Reviews, see Abbreviations of names of serials or MRLookup.


The manuscripts must be submitted via

Acknowledgement of the receipt and the notification of the editorial decision on publication will be sent by the system via email. All editorial correspondences should be addressed to the editor-in-chief at


Referee process

Submitted papers must be correct, original, nontrivial, and well written. If the language used is very poor, the manuscript will be rejected. A submitted paper will be refereed in the traditional way by at least one referee. The KJM tries to make the decision within 4 months after submission (but this primarily depends on the referees), after that time kindly send a reminder to the editors-in-chief. If necessary, the corresponding author would be asked to revise the manuscript according to referee report(s). The editorial board reserves the right to make reasonable modifications in wording.


Galley proof

The galley proofs of each paper will be sent to the corresponding author, who is responsible for checking and approving the manuscript on behalf of all coauthors. A limited number of typographical corrections are anticipated and extensive revisions may be reviewed again.


One volume per year consisting of 2 issues.





Publication charge

There is no publication or page charge associated with this journal.


By submitting a manuscript, the authors agree that the copyright for their article is transferred to the publisher, if and when, the paper is accepted for publication. The published articles are distributed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.


Publishing Ethics

The publisher is obliged to assist the math community in publishing ethics. No paper that has been previously published, that has been copyrighted, or that is being considered for publication elsewhere, should be submitted to the KJM. Nor may a paper that is under consideration by the KJM be submitted elsewhere. By submitting a manuscript, the authors confirm that there is no plagiarism and duplicate submission.


Competing interests:
The authors (including editors) should declare that they have no competing interests, when they submit their papers to KJM. Conflicts of interest are those which may be financial or non-financial and may be viewed as exerting an undue influence on the presentation, review and publication of their work.


Journal’s criteria for authorship

Our criteria to be credited as an author are

  • Having substantial contribution to the  paper;
  • Making revision of paper for intellectual content;
  • Approval of the final version.